We are 6 Sentidos Think - Say - Do
Our philosophy
In order to strengthen their commercialization reach, we group with small producers. Our goal is to find new markets with fair and transparent negotiations, growing our value chains. We work with the producers as their additional arm for logistics and new businesses. We foster their brands, using 6 Sentidos only as an umbrella brand.
Artisan work is, in many ways, an extension of the creator himself and, as such, of his unique personality. Enjoy their pieces as if they had a life of their own, as if they were talking to you.
Why from Mazatlán?
Life chances! We knew that it would be hard to open new markets staying in Oaxaca and well… we just placed our bet on Mexico’s West. From here, we operate most of the year, although we travel throughout the country once in a while. We are ready to serve, from wherever we are.
… and from here, we know we are much more useful to our allied friends.
We care for the environmental and emotional health of Mexico. We like fresh and healthy food, no chemicals added; we love clean beaches with no plastics. We make our effort at reflecting and participating in actions related to create a Mexico for each one of us.
Behind the project
Samuel Morales
Enamorado de la vida rural y del sueño de mundos más justos y alternativos. Escritor y fotógrafo amateur. En la vida diaria también soy consultor de negocios y turismo rural. Más acerca de mí, en mi web personal: andaryego.com
Sexto Sentido: la sensibilidad social, combinada con estrategias de comercialización y gestión de negocios.
Héctor Vázquez
El mezcal es su pasión desde hace más de 25 años. Hoy, su preocupación central es el respeto por los productores tradicionales en un mundo altamente economizado. Es nuestro aliado central en Oaxaca y mentor mezcalero.
Sexto sentido: la habilidad para reconocer la calidad de un buen mezcal social, ambiental y culturalmente responsable. Es el curador de nuestros destilados.